Sunday, November 25, 2012

Family time.....

Uncle Paul and Kurt reading on Sunday morning.  Melts my heart to see the two of them reading the paper together.  However Kurt was reading the buckeye profile of the week and Uncle Paul was reading the comics.  It made me laugh so I had to freeze the memory in time.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

So Big...

Can't believe how big he is getting and how fast it goes...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

6 years old.....

Kurt is 6 years old. 

It's been a great six years and we are looking forward to many more great years.
We love you Kurt Adam Mokros!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

big boy...

Luke helped himself to breakfast....

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Two wheeler...

Other big milestone happened in the Mokros' house this afternoon.  Luke can now ride his bike without training wheels. He took off on his brother's two wheeler bike with out any problems at all.  So I took his training wheels off and he took off on his bike with out any problems.  He has a little trouble with turning around in the drive ways and starting on his own, but that is nothing.  He will master all that just like his brother.  Way to go Luke we are so proud of you.  I can't believe how quick they grow. Luke could not wait to ride his bike for Kurt when he got home from school.  As you can see in the pictures Kurt was a big helper for Luke.  Please God let me hold on a little longer.......


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pumpkins Time....

Pumpkins faces...