Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Kurt thinks about fishing all the time.  This week he has worked on making a indoor tackle box.  He took one of the older tackle boxes Uncle Harvey brought to Daddy.  We cleaned it up and he put fishing lures and jig tails in the box.  He really took his time and organized it by size and color. 

Then Luke and I worked on his......

The boys and I also worked on making a really good indoor fishing pole.  We took their little poles and put on ice fishing line that doesn't break easily.  Then we put on a closed hook thing (not sure what they are called) so we can put on their jig tails.  Lots of work went in to our fishing equipment but the boys have lots of fun every day fishing.

Has you can see in the pictures, my laundry baskets has become boats.  The boats have a map of the lake, cells phones, a live well and a jump rope as a anchor. The tackle boxes are also uses as seats in the boats.  I'm lucky to live in their imagination, and I'm lucky to help their ideas come to life.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Palying in the water

Playing in the water in march is CRAZY....but it was 85 outside so a little water was sooooo much fun...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Cricket funny...

My future sister-in-law has a new toy called the Cricket Expressions 2.... We had fun using it for scrapbooking on Saturday, but on Sunday we had fun making new door signs for the boys.  Well I had fun putting them together Amanda didn't not have fun trying to cut them out the right size.  All in all it turned out great..

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Birthday Boy...

Over the weekend we celebrated Paul's big 4-0 birthday. We enjoyed cake and presents on Friday.  On Saturday the boys went fishing on the boat, while the girls stayed home to scrapbook.  Amanda got Connor's baseball album caught up and I''m almost done with my 2009 family album. The boys did come home with 9 crappies to clean. Good Day all around.  We enjoyed a nice dinner while watching the Buckeyes grabbed their spot in the final four.  What a great weekend....

Helping Uncle Paul Bear

Reading his new OSU book from Mom...

Yummy Cake.....

Mom and her baby boy...

Me and my OLDER brother....Love him

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Boating in March...

On the boat again and it is only March....It is nice weather to be fishing and enjoying the clam waters.  Kurt out fished Daddy again. I believe every time they been fishing so far this spring Kurt has been out fishing Daddy.  Luke also out fished Daddy, plus he became the best throw backer ever. Not only does he drop the poor fish over board, he THROWS them over board. No fear in picking up the fish, but I bet the fish fear him.  I enjoyed being on the boat seeing the fish and reading my nook. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


It is March and we are playing in the water????

crazy weather but we had a great time....

Monday, March 19, 2012


We are so happy to see the warm weather. Not only do we like to go fishing, hiking, riding our bikes but we love to go to the ZOO....

We are looking forward to many more trips to the zoo this year...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

First fishing trip of 2012

Sunday, March 11th, 2012, I woke up to a 5 year old standing next to my bed. When I opened my eyes, he says "Dad, I am going need warm clothes to go fishing today?". That's my boy!!! The previous day I had promised to get the boat out of hibernation for the maiden voyage of 2012. I followed through with the plan and in the heat of the afternoon sun, we were off to the lake with the boat for the first time in 2012. But, "the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray". The batteries that I had charged once a month over the winter did not include the starter battery.

So, towing home a boat with dead starter battery and two disappointed boys, we needed a new plan. The new plan, "After dinner, we'll go fishing from shore while the boat battery charges."

While eating dinner Kurt, Luke, and I are discussing where to fish and what lures to use. Mom appeases us by engaging in our conversation. Kurt says "I want to use my frog lure". So, after a long lecture from Dad on how frog lures won't work this early in the year, we head to Kurt's secret spot. He's insistent on using his frog lure.

So, before we can reach the water's edge, the boys tell me nature calls. Kurt's is self sufficient; Luke needs some assistance. While I am tending to Luke, I hear a excited yell behind me, "I got one; I told you that frog lure would work." On his first cast of 2012, Kurt lands a crappie on the infamous frog lure, and Dad has to eat crow.

Kurt's crappie on frog lure.
2012-03-11_19-07-09_858, Kurt gets Crappie on first cast of 2012 on frog bait

Luke gets in the action with a crappie on the big joshy swim bait.
2012-03-11_19-29-38_422, Luke gets first crappie on bigjoshy swimbait

The infamous frog lure that Dad needs to add to his tackle box.
2012-03-13_01-33-56_627, The secret crappie bait

Fishing season has finally arrived.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Can't go under it....

During our hike we came across a big beaver dam.  I mean a BIG beaver dam.  We can't go under it, we can't go around it, so we had to go over it.... I was worried about the boys climbing over the dam, Rick told me they are boys.  They made it just fine.  Rick made it just fine, me on the other hand took a little longer,  but I made it just fine. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Where did he go???

Can you find Kurt???? He loves to hide like a tree, I love his imagination.

Hiking season is here....

Hiking season is here!!!! We are so excited to get out and explore the area around the lake.  While we were out hiking we could hear the deer snort at us and then white tails jumping through the woods.  Kurt was on the hunt for fishing lures again.  Luke was picking up every rock for his rock collection.  The boys made a hour and 15 min hike.  Welcome spring.....

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Feels like spring.....

The boys, Molly and I headed over to the lake to take a walk.  During the walk we had to check out the water.  Kurt was in hunt for finding lures, Luke was looking for sassafras and Molly looking for a rabbit.  I was taking it all in.... Making memoirs and laughs with my boys and our dog.