It was time for another one of Daddy's adventures. Around 10:30 Saturday morning we loaded up the van and headed west. First stop on our road trip was the Freshwater Farms of Ohio. At this farm we were able to view the spring water ponds with gold fish, frogs and tadpoles. We also got to feed the rainbow trout. In the building they had catfish, snapping turtles, Fluffy the alligator, and big sturgeons. We were able to pet the sturgeons. You can just imagine how excited the boys were. They loved seeing, feeding, and petting the fish. The boys were talking a mile a minute the whole time.

After an hour and half our next stop was the Urbana airport cafe. We got to see a "little" airplane take off and eat really good food. We took a look at Urbana University. On our way to a wildlife area we came across Ohio Caverns. So we stopped to take a tour. This is the best and most colorful caverns hands down. It also stays 54 degrees all year around. So it felt really good to us. The boys enjoyed looking at the cave and walking through.
After a couple of hours at the caverns. We headed to the wildlife area that ended up being closed. The next stop was Buck Creek State Park. Kurt wanted to do some fishing. So we stopped at the boat rump area to try our luck. While Daddy and Kurt were fishing Luke was building a campfire ring with rocks. Around 6:30 we got dinner at the marina. It was surprisingly good. Kurt needed to go fishing again before we left to head home. The boys headed back down to the lake to fish.
Fishing report: Luke two blue gill, Kurt one blue gill.
and Daddy 0 fish. It was 10:30 pm when we made it back home from a long but fun filled day. Already looking at putting other road trip together again soon.